Located in Downtown Waukesha with free parking in the front and rear, we make it easy to select that special piece. We are located just three turns off our Wisconsin freeway I94. If you haven’t been in Waukesha in a while you’ll be pleased to know that the one way roads are gone.

Directions: From Milwaukee – take I94 west and exit on Hwy F (exit 295). Make a left turn onto Hwy F, which turns into Hwy 18/St. Paul Ave. Travel to Madison Street where you will turn left at the Walgreens. At the second traffic light bear right, and at the next traffic light make a right turn onto Main St. We are down half a block on the right.

Note: The River’s End Gallery is no longer accepting new artists. Our artists have become like family and there is no room for new artists. We wish all artists much success.

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