Judy Munro, cityscapes, abstracts, landscapes

69-22, 40 x 30, Landscape Horizontal, $1200

Artist’s Statement

My landscapes are a combination of observation, imagination and “memory fragments”, bits and pieces of sights, sounds, smells and feelings remembered from childhood, a myriad of lasting impressions now translated, alla prima, into paint on a surface.

I recall summer trips, bracketed with endless, fluid roadside montages. Fields and farmland, forests and sky, melting into ribbons of color and texture as we passed on our way to anywhere in Michigan.

I remember forest treks into magnificent cathedrals of nature’s stillness, trees so tall they gobbled up the sky, allowing only occasional shafts of sunlight to pierce their canopy and create altars on the forest floor, while patches of light lay strewn like gold coins, creating paths that beckoned you to venture deeper into the woods.

These are just some of the remembered impressions repeatedly encoded in so many of my landscapes.